B3 VacuSystem

HomeB3 VacuSystem

B3 VacuSystem

1,490.00 včetně DPH (includes TAX)

Do you have a part, that cannot be held traditionally in the vice for machining? Are your parts big, thin, flat, flexible? B3 VacuSystem is here to help you finish your project. It is very easy and simple way how to fix your not ordinary part for milling, grinding, inspection, etc,.. No big investments, no big working costs, but high efficiency and precision. Ready to help you with small and big projects.

SKU: B3-001 Categories: ,


B3 VacuSystem is precise way to help you clamp your not ordinary parts for machining, inspection, grinding, etc. Lightweight, efficient an easy to install. Ready to face all the challenges your manufacturing offers. As there are no mechanical moving parts, B3 VacuSystem is easy to clean and mantain. Ground flat across whole surface with tolerance lower than 0,01 mm. Optimal working pressure 5 bar, cooling liquid resistant.  Package consists all you need to start with vacuum workholding within a minutes. Designed to fit in your machine with vice for your custom clamping layout.

Additional information

Weight 6.6 kg

Plug & Play System
Aerospace grade aluminum
Flat grinded, hard anodized
Surface area 400×300 mm
20 vacuum distribution points
Made in Czech Republic