B3 VacuJig

HomeB3 VacuJig

B3 VacuJig

85.00 včetně DPH (includes TAX)

Attachment to the B3 VacuSystem. Ready for specific application. Innovate your production with custom fixturing system simply designed on B3 VacuJig. B3 VacuJig is here to help you with parts of not ordinary shapes and requirements.

SKU: B3-003 Categories: ,


B3 VacuJig is ready to help you with optimisation of your clamping system. Fully machinable to adjust vacuum workholding according to your project. Four fixation points only allow you to quickly change your layout. B3 VacuJig brings value to the customers with lowest clamping cost to extraordinary parts possible and high level of precision not achievable by other clamping systems.


Additional information

Weight 2.7 kg

Dimensions 400x300x8mm
Easily machinable aluminium alloy
4 fixation points